Find your voice
Free your feelings
Live your purpose

Warmly welcome!

Are you going through a challenging time in your life? The core of my work is to facilitate you to free yourself from blockages of any kind - physical, emotional and/or energetic. When harmony is restored and energy can flow again, I can guide you to (re)discover your passion and talents and live your destiny.

“Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the world” – Rumi

Find your voice

  • You want to rediscover your inner voice and find courage to follow it (because there are often a few obstacles there).
  • You want to sing yourself free from traumas and change your emotional programming(s).
  • By receiving Vocal Sound Healing you want to restore the natural order in your body and thereby support your health.

Free your feelings

  • You want to learn how to live an authentic, loving and relaxed life by allowing you to feel your feelings.
  • You long to live in love, peace and connection with your family.
  • You want to let go of all your old stress-causing thoughts and stories.

Live your purpose

  • You want to discover and solve the causes of illness and lack of energy.
  • You want to free yourself from performance pressure, burnout, depression, trauma.
  • You finally want to discover what your life purpose is and to start LIVING it!

Vocal Sound Healing

Music is the primordial element of being, for we come from sound, we are vibration and carry the tones inherent in us." Narada

Healing through my sounds
Do you want to restore the natural order in your body through Vocal Sound Healing and thereby support your health?

Sound is the first manifest form of energy, constant energy that transforms into matter. "There was the word" - comes from the bible - that was the first. So sound or tone is very directly related to an energetic frequency. That means that there is a lot of healing power in sound and in tone and in word. There are also many ancient languages and ancient scriptures that are still used today. In India and in Yoga, all those Sanskrit words are still used, even though people don't even know what it means. But the power of such a word, or of a certain sound, that is a conductor of a certain frequency of energy and that is very healing.

The more a person can let the life energy flow through him, the more he literally becomes a channel of life, of that energy, as it wants to manifest. So he becomes the medium. Clairvoyants translate what they see into words. And I have a system that is designed to make sound, and can therefore heal with sound, actually because I am more and more open to hear and feel what wants to be expressed. Through my sound or singing, blockages in your channel (the chakras) can vibrate open and the balance can be restored.

Your voice
Do you want to sing yourself free from traumas and change your emotional programming(s)? I guide you in the sessions to sing on your own blockages and thus transform them. Sing yourself free!

Releasing energy, say an energetic cleaning, can be done by giving it a sound and I can also guide you to find your own sound. If you make sound intuitively, you can feel how you are doing by the sort of sound you make. It's like a mirror of where you are inside. This is the dance that takes place inside. It's a way to burn open all the layers in your system. Then you burn all frequencies a bit clean.

Working with voice, singing and sound is a simple way to tune yourself again, to balance and to get closer to yourself. When your system vibrates in harmony with itself, health, joy, authenticity, trust and love arise.

"How else but by singing can we connect with our own being." Hasrat Ilka Khan

Holistic Coaching

Many people find it valuable to be facilitated on their development path. Being guided has especially added value if working on yourself is new to you, or if you are not getting any further with a difficult theme. The facilitator is there to keep you engaged in your research and support you in the process as you find your own answers.

In an intensive Coaching session I support you directly in working on your themes. Usually one or more themes can be completely resolved in one session. I guide you in precisely acknowledging the hidden blockages in order to release them by feeling, by receiving new insights or with the help of energetic work. Without blockages, the inner freedom (which was always there) can be lived, felt and realized again.

Rumi: "Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?"

Because of the direct contact with your feeling, it is easy to make decisions, find your way and also go. In this way you become more and more in your own strength and you can develop your individual possibilities. With every coaching you become more aware of what gives you energy and what doesn't at all. Think more consciously, feel more consciously and decide for yourself what to do.

Possible reasons to work with me:

  • You get to work right away - Coaching works by finding your own answers, I guide you through that.
  • You get to know various fantastic processes, so that afterwards you are also able to work independently.
  • You want to experience that you don't need stress to get things done.
  • You want to solve blockages that prevent you from living in love and connection with yourself and your fellow man.
  • In a short time you develop a completely new view of yourself and the world around you.
  • You pay a lot of attention to the practical applicability of your insights in daily life.

Learning to feel (again).
Living in love, connection and authenticity?

Our feelings tell us how we are really doing. They show us the way that ultimately leads to ourselves and that makes us happy. Feelings are a subjective knowing about ourselves, others and the world - they speak the healing and clear language of the heart. In contact with our hearts we can find our true individual destiny. People who open up to their feelings automatically find more inner peace, authenticity and aliveness. Feeling puts you in touch with your true wishes and deep desires in your life.

Allowing feelings is easy and anyone can learn it.
Not allowing our feelings to live is the cause of many problems in life. Often we have consciously and especially unconsciously neglected and suppressed our intuition and feelings for years. Ultimately, this leads to dissatisfaction, fears, depression, burnout or even worse. Overload in work and daily life can also lead to us not hearing our inner voice anymore. Then we experience loneliness and an empty feeling inside.

Do you wish for more love, connection and joy in your life?
Through different aspects of my work you can get back in touch with your feelings. When you regain access to your feelings, many life problems will resolve themselves over time. You get a clear view of your life and learn to listen again to the small voice inside your heart. If negative feelings such as fear, anger and sadness can be released, love, connection and joy will naturally arise.

Come on the most important journey of your life - the journey within, into your heart!

Shamanic Healing

With the help of Shamanic energy work (Healing) I can guide you in finding health, authenticity, trust and love. A healing can be transformative. Through the work, blockages can be dissolved or removed (extraction), the energy body can be cleansed and the energy can flow freely again.

Treat or cure?
Many shamanic forms of healing initially focus not so much on the complaints or symptoms, but on achieving a harmonic state. Rituals are used that are aimed at healing and restoring harmony between worlds and force fields (both inside and outside the sick person), and in which the connection between the physical and non-physical world is central. When the disturbed balance is restored, many problems will disappear automatically.

You could say that treating is the job of doctors, which involves the elimination of physical symptoms. In healing, on the other hand, one finds a way to health by removing the causes of suffering and illness and then discovering a meaningful future for oneself. My goal is to heal.

Western medicine treats the body, psychology treats the mental state - and in healing we focus on the soul and our higher consciousness. By working directly with the soul and higher consciousness, we can create changes on all other levels - including physical and mental levels. A change on a spiritual level changes the world.

Fate or destiny?
Fate is a course set by our family, our history, our genes and our emotional wounds. The word purpose, on the other hand, means the meaning of life, the calling of a person, the purpose of life. It can be revealed and realized. Our revealed life purpose allows us to overcome our destiny and free ourselves from negative emotional and genetic programming. Being in touch with our life purpose allows us to choose our path in life instead of stumbling through life. When you live your life purpose, you can consciously influence your growth.

People have no idea of the power that comes from being yourself. They have no idea that you can do anything with it, anything.- Maria João Pires 

Marieke Voskamp

Since I was about 25 years old I have worked intensively on myself. Identifying and questioning stressful thoughts and also learning to allow my feelings to live (again) were essential for my development. I did different training courses and later also offered them.
From 2015 I felt more and more drawn to the mystical path. For me, shamanism and vocal sound healing are an answer to the search for more and more effective tools to really get to the core of the matter and to help people to let go of blockages and to live their purpose.

The most relevant trainings I did in the last years were the education on Vocal Sound Therapy with Githa Ben-David and the Energy Medicine Training at the Four Winds Society with Alberto Villoldo (Master Practitioner). For a more precise overview of my education look here.


Nicole, Colorado - online shamanic work, September 2022:
"Thank you so much Marieke, for your presence and your heart. The session was so powerful and moving for me; I'm still sitting in it. I'd love to be in touch. Look forward to connecting again, Nicole"

Marcela Morena Martins, Denmark, November 2022

Yesterday I experienced one of the most beautiful and powerful healing experiences through the shamanic healing facilitated by Shaman Marieke. The journey led me to release an old and ancestral baggage I ´ve been carying for too long. Something that I realized that it was not only mine, but carried from an ancestral lineage and collectively as well. Marieke listens carefully to my needs and approaches it with a humble tenderness and sharpness. One of the magic of the journey was that even though it took place online, it felt like she was just beside me. I felt safe in this timeless field embraced by a touching light and protection enabling me to surrender to it. Right in the beginning I already felt the tears of gratitude and the warmth of being held to something bigger than me. By releasing the addressed issues from both the energetic and physical body, a certain heaviness in the reproductive area, I felt like the healing enabled me to move more freely on and embody my inner power even more fully. The same day after the journey I felt like the lightness of a feather . 

I highly recommend Marieke's work to anyone who feels the call to be more fully embodied in its own power. Thank you Marieke for holding space and helping me to move forward. 

Blessing of gratitude. 

Amie, Portugal - Mei, September en November 2022
I have now done a number of different sessions with Marieke and what always strikes me is the feeling that everything around me has come to a complete standstill. She radiates so much peace and balance that I can completely sink into confidence and let myself be carried by her. She clearly explains what she is going to do and is super present in every moment of the session. She picks things up flawlessly and even knows how to work through resistance in a very nice compassionate way, when it prefers to run away from exciting moments. I am super grateful for everything I have already been able to discover and break through with the help of Marieke.

Gertrud Hänke, Viersen, April 2019:

"I was with Marieke today because she supported me in finding my life's path. It was a beautiful, empathetic journey to my heart. Everyone was waiting for me there to tell me about my life's mission. Marieke guided me on this journey on her empathetic and calm way. She has given and kept space for my inner journey. I always felt safe with her. This gave me space to say things that I would otherwise have preferred to put aside. I love her warmth, with which she just there I also like her Dutch accent.
During the session, she also released a few, I call it negative energies in me.
I am very grateful to Marieke for giving me this experience.”

Doris Binder, Augustus, 2021:
Dear Marieke
I thank you for your steady and trusted way of tackling different themes with me and always finding the common thread and then tackling the core topic in a bundle until it feels lighter. Having compassion and keeping a clear frame is a combination that is very much given to you, which is why I felt very comfortable with you. Your openness to feelings creates great confidence and motivation to let them in!
Thank you for your empathetic guidance so that everything could come up and resolve what wanted to be seen.
Kind regards, Doris


Nothing on this website is intended to be a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Workshops, coaching, education and healing are designed to support, not replace, regular medical care.